Fellow Tryhardians,
As the festive month of December begins and the month of November closes, it’s that time to review and look back at what we’ve been up to these past 30 days. In this busy month we’ve had our TGE and our platform released. Our TGE on the 24th of November was a huge success, although we had to launch unexpectedly on sushi swap and pancake swap. Our first all time high got created hovering around 2 Dollars with a daily volume above 15 Million on both DEXes together. Our initial platform release went smoothly and the first loot boxes were opened and staking rewards got collected. As of today, 2700 loot boxes were opened with a total universe power of around 110.000.
Reaching 70k followers is just one of our many achievements this month, however arguably the most important, and as we couldn’t have TryHards the way it is without your continuous support. A big thank you to all the loyal Tryhardians is in place from the team as we hope to continue to satisfy your gaming needs for months to come!
We are aware that TryHards is only as strong as the community is. We appreciate your trust and feedback. We on Planet X believe it is time to give something back. Therefore we want to give something back to our beloved community. We introduce the very first Christmas calendar in the blockchain space!
The ⅔ Christmas calendar Felice TRYhidad
The journey of TryHards just began and we want to introduce you to the upcoming features of our platform. Furthermore, we understand that our early adopters expect ongoing marketing activities and further growth of the player base. As the utility of the platform increases, we expect a broader reach in the crypto space. The team believes that marketing and utility goes hand in hand to become an outstanding meta hub in the crypto space.
Over the next 16 days we will reveal new features, partnerships, marketing activities and giveaways. But those are not the only things you can expect from us. Just come back once a day and check which wonderful things we have planned.
For whom? For all the Tryhardians who joined this journey early with us. Every day at 6PM CET (5PM UTC) a new medium blog will reveal the news of today. Some might be huge and some might be even bigger. As in a lot of countries this time of the year is supposed to be spent with your family and friends. We want to celebrate it with you, our beloved community.
How can you support us?
Having you on our project that early is already enough support. In case you want to support us even more we would appreciate likes and reposts on our socials to grow our family even bigger.
Kazar Claus: “Have a wonderful Christmas season Tryhardians!”
TryHards Team